Tell us about your role here at Data Zoo.
I am currently working on the development of our Know your Business (KYB) verification function. The KYB product offers a real-time, automated, and global solution for business verification (KYB) and onboarding, including the identification and verification (KYC) of Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBOs) and other direct and indirect owner/s of the company, as well as Sole Traders.
Being new to this industry, I’ve had a lot to learn, but I am really excited about what we have created and are continuing to develop. I am blessed with great colleagues who bring invaluable skills to the KYB team, making us a high-performing team. Not to mention the wider Data Zoo community, who supported me with their wealth of knowledge in the identity verification space.
What is your favourite thing about working at Data Zoo?
The culture. Everyone has the utmost respect for what they do. We’re all on the same page and are heading in the same direction. You never feel under pressure and instead have an invested interest in the business succeeding. When I have questions, I am always comfortable reaching out and feel like I can be myself. I know a lot of businesses say that culture is important to them, but working here, the success of one is the success of everyone.
What makes you excited about the industry?
For me, it is the fast pace and innovative nature of the industry and being able to contribute to the creation of a product used by many businesses. Seeing all the hard work and background research paying off, and physically seeing a product come to life, makes me very proud of what we have done and motivated to continue to create the best product for our clients.
Tell me about yourself. What hobbies do you enjoy?
Outside of work, I enjoy exercising and setting goals for the future. I have started running during the week with the aim of being able to run 10km by the end of the year. This also means I can drag my dog Archie along with me – he is my sidekick. I have a strong interest in health and fitness and listen to podcasts to better educate myself. I plan to start a nutrition course and am very fortunate that Data Zoo offers the flexibility for me to explore other interests on the side.