Identity Verification (KYC)

The easiest way to verify global customers

Simplify onboarding, eliminate friction, and convert more customers with Data Zoo’s seamless KYC solution that securely verifies identities across the globe within 2 seconds.

Atlas on a tablet with circular pins showing customers all around the world being verified.

Trusted by global digital leaders


Accelerated and cost-effective onboarding

Plus icon and check icon in a circular flow relationship

Eliminate friction

Convert more customers by implementing a simple, friction-free onboarding process to eliminate customer drop-off.

Stopwatch icon

Reduce costs

Minimise customer acquisition costs using automated error handling that reduces verification failures and manual review.

Gear icon

Streamline operations

Maximise efficiency with a configurable, automated solution that removes manual processes and integration complexities.

Maximise match rates

When verifying your customers, balancing security and the user experience can be challenging. Friction during onboarding can result in customer frustration or drop-off, ultimately impacting revenue. Our automated solution eliminates unnecessary friction, allowing you to deliver seamless onboarding experiences, verify more customers and grow revenue.

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ID card being scanned.

Extract customer data

Pre-fill form fields with intuitive and automated document scanning, OCR, and NFC features.

Form fields being checked.

Pre-validate user input

Eliminate customer drop-off using real-time validation, flagging pre-submission input and formatting errors.

Small flow chart showing checks for multiple data sources.

Sequence data sources

Automate data source routing with configurable orchestration that verifies against optimal sources.

Checkmark showing verification.

30% more matches

Cut response times, input errors, operational complexity, and verification costs. Convert more customers.

Globe depiction with two annotations coming from either side: a Stopwatch on the left and a checkmark on the right.

Onboard global customers in seconds

Create a real-time onboarding experience for your customers by verifying identity data within 2 seconds using Data Zoo’s direct connection to authoritative data sources across 170 countries.

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Configurable for your unique needs

Automate your back-end and flex your onboarding processes with Data Zoo’s configurable risk rules, business logic and workflows to meet your compliance and business needs.

Explore features

Configuration options depicted as 4 squares containing the following icons: shield, input fields, gears, flow.

Recognised by leading firms

Deloitte 2021 - Technology Fast 50 Badge
Deloitte 2022 - Technology Fast 50 Badge
Gartner - Representative Vendor Badge
Case Study

Drive more revenue with Data Zoo

Digital businesses using Data Zoo can maximise revenue growth through fast and frictionless onboarding flows that reduce verification failures and onboard more customers.

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Book illustration representing a case study


More revenue from new customers


Pass rate uplift for each country


ROI after switching to Data Zoo

Ready to simplify your KYC?

Book a free demo with our experts today.