Document Verification

Streamline your user onboarding process.

Eliminate friction with Data Zoo’s powerful AI and biometrics-enabled document verification solution using automation to seamlessly scan, extract, and authenticate documents in under 6 seconds.

Isometric smartphone with an isometrict Driver's license underneath, scanning information that is appearing on the screen.

Trusted by global digital leaders

Why Data Zoo

Accelerated and automated onboarding

Illustration of a plus and checkmark with 2 arrows pointing back and forth in a ciruclar motion representing processing

Eliminate friction

Convert more customers by eliminating onboarding friction for global users with seamless information processing for 2,500 document types across 140 countries.

Illustration of eye representing AI

Automate processing

Eliminate costly manual tasks by leveraging automated AI and ML workflows to extract, process, and verify document data in under 6 seconds.

Illustration of shield representing security

Prevent fraud

Minimise the risk of fraud by implementing AI-powered facial matching and liveness detection systems, identifying bad actors and altered IDs with over 99.99% accuracy.

UI Form depiction showing each field with annotations leading to the matching details of an illustrated photo ID.

Minimise input error

Automate data extraction and minimise onboarding friction by allowing customers to take photos of their ID while Data Zoo’s OCR and NFC technology extracts and pre-fills their details with 100%*(95% OCR and 100% NFC success rate) accuracy.

Detect fake IDs

Catch any signs of document tampering or data inconsistency using AI-powered technology trained on 450,000+ templates, seamlessly validating security features like holograms, watermarks, and more with 99% accuracy.

Passport illustration with a finder view box on the bottom right magnifying the signature, with annotations of warning signs and exclamation marks depicting tampering
Passport and phone illustration showcasing the screen with the same image of the person on the passport depicting a selfie or biometric check.

Block fraudulent users

Prevent the use of stolen documents and ensure user presence by comparing selfie images to photo IDs with a biometric facial matching accuracy of over 99.99% and liveness detection at 100%.

How it works

Data Zoo’s seamless document verification uses three simple steps.

Scan & extract document data

Users photograph their ID so Auto Capture & OCR technology can extract their data.

Check document authenticity

AI & ML authenticity checks validate security features and screen for signs of tampering.

Verify customer biometrics

Customers take a selfie for facial matching and liveness detection against their photo ID.

Three iamges cycling from photo ID being scanned, to passport being authenticated, and a selfie being taken.
Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about Data Zoo's document verification

Yes. Data Zoo’s document verification solution has a suite of features that are configurable based both on functionality (verification, biometrics, fraud indicators etc.) and integration requirements (API, mobile, platform).

Data Zoo provides seamless and flexible integration options. Our low-code standardised API (Core) and mobile SDK (Safe) can be implemented into your existing processes and UI, while our other integrations like our platform and mobile app can be configured and deployed as self-contained processes.

Government-issued documents such as passports, national ID cards, driver's licences, and thousands of other global and complex documents with security features like holograms and machine-readable zones can be seamlessly verified with Data Zoo.

Yes. Data Zoo’s verification solutions are designed to help you digitise your front end and automate your back end. All phases of document verification, from scanning and extraction to validation and biometrics, are designed to provide a frictionless customer and employee experience. Documents are scanned, with data extracted at 100% accuracy (95% for OCR), validated at 99% accuracy, and facially matched at 99.99% accuracy - creating a seamless experience for your customer.

Data Zoo’s privacy-first approach to verification means your customers’ PII is not stored; data is deleted immediately after the verification. In addition to this, Data Zoo’s robust and rigorous approach to compliance means security standards are met and exceeded throughout all global regulatory environments.

Yes. Data Zoo’s document verification can process over 2,500 document types for over 140 countries, with AI and ML-powered scanning and validation that’s trained on over 450,000 templates to ensure a seamless and secure solution that can scale globally.

Yes. Data Zoo’s Core integration is a configurable, low-code API that can automate your verification process, eliminating the use of human analysts.

Data Zoo’s custom pricing structure ensures you only pay for the features you use. This means competitive pricing for document verification, high-volume discounts, no hidden fees, country-specific rates and low setup fees.

Yes. Data Zoo’s document verification solution catches any signs of document tampering or data inconsistency while seamlessly validating security features like holograms, watermarks, and more with 99% accuracy.

Moreover, Data Zoo uses additional indicators and safeguards like biometrics, watchlist screening, and configurable risk rules to detect and prevent fraud.

Our unified dashboard provides a single-service view, allowing you to view element-level breakdowns for each verification, including the user's previous successful or unsuccessful verification submissions.

Yes. Data Zoo is committed to excellent customer service and support with industry-leading uptime of 99.9%, 24/7 ticketing support, and 24/6 phone and email support.

Recognised by leading firms

Deloitte 2021 - Technology Fast 50 Badge
Deloitte 2022 - Technology Fast 50 Badge
Gartner - Representative Vendor Badge

Ready to improve your onboarding?

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