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Say hello to Safe

The secure and decentralised way to seamlessly verify your users, minimising the compliance and operational complexities involved with managing your own identity-proofing process.

See how it works

How it works

Users verify their identity by submitting a selfie and a government-issued ID document. After a positive verification, the user receives their digital ID which contains all of their shareable verified attributes.

Power your onboarding with Safe

Modernise your onboarding process and the customer experience

Outsource your identity proofing obligations to reduce risks

Automate your back-end with Safe to reduce friction

Protect user privacy and data with a user controlled digital ID

Build your own scalable workflow with modular components

Simplify integration with flexible and secure deployment models

We’ll do all the heavy lifting

Safe absorbs the complexities of building and managing your own identity verification flows. Whether you use our Safe standalone app, require a white-labelled version or integrate our mobile SDKs directly into your existing iOS or Android app, you can use our framework to offload Know Your Customer (KYC) obligations and back-end compliance requirements.


How we verify your users

Safe is built on the same technology that Data Zoo clients use to verify millions of their global customers. Users are guided through

Safe is built on the same technology that Data Zoo clients use to verify millions of their global customers.

Users are guided through:

  • Capturing and extracting data with NFC or OCR
  • Verifying the authenticity of their ID document
  • Matching their photo ID with a selfie
  • Assessing genuine presence with liveness

Prioritise privacy to build users’ trust

Give your users control over their identity data. With Safe, users have the ability to selectively manage and share their proof of identity without disclosing or exchanging the actual underlying information.

Use Cases

Modular solutions for your unique needs

Digital account opening

Make it easy for your users to prove their identity during the onboarding process.

Proof of age checks

Add a layer of security before allowing access to age-gated services or products.

Open banking support (AU Only)

Verifying a user’s identity and cross reference with banking and energy providers.

Pre-employment checks

Help your risk teams accelerate the recruitment and onboarding process.

Learn more

Safe is the next generation of digital identity solutions for organisations and individuals who want a safe and convenient method of identity data verification & sharing.

Safe combines Data Zoo’s recognised expertise in identity verification with accredited re-useable digital identity credentials and data sharing consent management.

Data Privacy and Security

Safe can significantly improve an organisation’s data privacy and data security posture. By decentralising the process of identity verification and minimising the collection and storage of personally identifiable information, an organisation can reduce its risks.

User Experience

Safe can help your organisation lift user satisfaction through the convenience of a single verification procedure, and the privacy of data sharing consent and oversight.

Operational Efficiency

Safe can help your organisation break down barriers and expand your active user base. Interoperable digital identities open the potential for greater cross-organisation collaboration and access.

Cost Saving

Data Zoo can integrate Safe into your organisation’s existing app or we can build a standalone solution to your unique specifications. Take the complexity out of managing your own identity verification workflows.

Identity verifications are executed over a secure API and essential user information used for onboarding purposes is shared via a push or pull mechanism.

Safe is built on principles of privacy by design. Only essential information or a "true" / "false" response required for onboarding purposes will be shared between the user's device and the onboarding organisation. The end user must provide consent and approve any information sharing.

Data Zoo keeps privacy and security at the core of our products, infrastructure, and policies. Data Zoo's ecosystem is certified and adheres to the highest industry standards and regulations around the world including CCPA, GDPR, ISO 27001, Consumer Data Right, ASAE 3150, CSA Star, and SOC 2 and SOC 3. Furthermore, Data Zoo has been accredited by the UK Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework, a world leading framework for trusted digital identity service providers.

Please submit your details in the contact form on this page and a member of our team will get in touch with you within 2-3 business days.

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Data Zoo will collect and use your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.