Quickly verify customers across Australia and the world with over 170+ countries and 6,000+ document types.
Very high coverage available!
Verify your customers by connecting directly to our reliable and independent sources.
Access extensive coverage so you can maximise your match rates while only integrating into one API.
Verify against reliable, independent, and authoritative data sources across governments, telcos, credit bureaus, and more.
Design your own verification workflow with complete control to meet your KYC obligations and business objectives.
Allow your foreign-born customers onboard using their country-of-origin identity documentation and local Visa.
Verify more customers and eliminate friction with our multilingual support for onboarding in your users native language.
Verify mobile numbers and associated customer information to prevent fraud.
Create frictionless onboarding experiences for both Australian and global customers with Data Zoo's comprehensive identity and document verification solutions.
Automate ID document verification and selfie checks for your Australian customers.
Data Zoo's document coverage for Australia includes the following document types.
Data Zoo ensures fast, low-cost verification by directly connecting to Australian data sources instead of relying on third-party vendors.
Data Zoo’s robust systems ensure compliance across all international regulatory environments.
Conduct seamless business verification without adding friction and frustration with Data Zoo’s end-to-end Know Your Business (KYB) solution.
Data Zoo is certified and adheres to the highest industry standards. Our privacy-first approach protects your business and safeguards your customers.
Get in touch and let us know how we can help.